Part 5 - Overseas with the RCAF: January 1943 to October 1943

Montreal - Mar. 18 - May 20. 1942.

R.C.A.F. overseas Jan. 1943 - Oct. 1943

(Can) R145388
LAC Young WE
Attached RAF
Royal Canadian Air Force

London Jan 22, '43

Dear Mother "<" Dad,

I'm on leave. Staying at the same place tt I did before. I'm sitting in front of a big fireplace in the lounge. It's late in the afternoon. There is a faint rustle (sp) of paper as the boys pour over the news of Tripoli.

I spend most of the afternoon shopping for something to bring home with me. I couldn't find anything tt I liked. Maybe I didn't try the right shops. If I come down on a 48, I may be able to get a print if I can't find anything in silver.

I haven't done much of anything on this leave. I wanted to do a lot of writing, but I've done practally nothing. - This isn't all my bad writing. It's partly the pen. Tomorrow I want to go on a tour of the Tower of London. I didn't see it last time. I've seen most of sights now. On my next 7 days I'm going to go to Scotland.

Sunday: This morning I saw London bridge in the fog. By the time I got to Waterloo bridge the fog had lifted. I walked along the enbankment to the street tt runs up to Trafalgar Square. The Beaver Club is just off the square. I was reading a guide book "<" didn't notice the time so missed the Tower of London tour. Darn! I hope I get down on a 48.

I spent the afternoon walking in Hyde park "<" Kensington Gardens. I was looking for soap-box oraters but, for once, didn't find any. maybe it was too late in the afternoon.

There was a big parcel at the post office for me when I left. I didn't collect it 'cause I would not have any better place to keep it. I'll wire when I get the watch.

I'm wearing my tweeds. The pant are a little tighter around the waist than when I left A.A. I'm eating a lot of heavy food "<" not getting the corresponding exercise.

I started a letter to Katy but haven't finished it yet. I'm in my room now. - It's just across from Kensington Gardens. I'm going down to the Beaver Club later tonight to get something to eat. I'll finish her letter then.

Tomorrow is my last day on leave. I think tt I'll spend the afternoon in Cambridge. I like the bookstores there.

In the future I think tt I'll write about half as much but twice as often. It's hard to write without bringing in my work "<" I don't want to send carbon copies to you and Katy. In the spring when I get seeing the countryside, my letters might improve.

If my car isn't giving good gas milage, it probably the adjustment of the carburtor. I may have had it set for max power instead of max economy. You know, I want to take a trip out west in that car after the war. I've got the trip all planned. Hope the car is still running then. No reason why it shouldn't be. Well, I'm getting hungry. I don't know what No. this letter is. You will be able to tell by the dates.

Love to Mudji "<" Actel
88 Wendell

1943 FEB 1




1943 FEB 17




Letter No 10? Feb 20

(Can) R145388

LAC Young, WE
149 Squadron
Royal Canadian Air Force

Dear Mother "<" Dad,

Got letter no. 20 today. Got No 19 sometime ago. Also one from Mrs. Thompson which was very nice too. Haven't had one from Katy in some time. Althought I should kick because she does better than I. I still like her as much as ever but I haven't been writing very often.

I was able to get a second hand bike. I was very lucky. There were only 3 for sale. - Two new ones "<" one used one. The new ones were both over Lf 9 "<" they were both pretty small too. The used one was in the back of a garage. The tires were flat. The saddle was off. And the brakes were rusted tight. I had a chance to look it over before the owner came. There was really nothing wrong with it. It just looked bad. the fellow wanted Lf 5 for it "<" he would fix it up. I thought that it wouldn't cost more than 5 bob ($1.00) to fix it up at the worst. So I got it as it stood for Lf4. With a little oiling "<" pumping up tyres (English spelling) I was able to ride it 15 miles home. - Against a strong wind too - So far it hasn't cost anything but I might get a new chain.

Charlie has Neil's (our Sgt's) bike while he's away on leave. We going into the village tonight. It's Sat night. Until I got the bike I had only been into the village once. Except to catch a train.

I'll write a letter to Elwyn "<" see if it gets to him. I've got so many letters to write tt I don't know where to start. Both W.E. Gimbys, Smallwood, Kelly, Jobin, Max, Al, Thompson (Camp Davis), Ken Latta, "<" Romeo.

Edwin Gimby is over here "<" well. I got a letter from him the other day.

Here's some bad news. I think that Jack is gone. Better wait until you hear from Eva because it may not be true. I tried phoning him but couldn't get a line to his station. [Sgt. Michael John "Jack"Kelly was killed on active service January 29th 1943. His funeral was held Feb. 1st at All Saints Cemetery in Honington Suffolk]

I guess that's all. For gosh sake don't worry about me!!! I'm safer here than if I were at home. (i.e. our fastest viechal [sic] is a bike)


Mon March 29 -

This is the first of a series of cards of typical English scenes, I have some of London too. I've just been talking to Al on the phone. He wants me to transfer to the US Army Signal Corps. It might be worth trying. There would be better promotion "<", of course, better living quarters "<" conditions. The only doubtful thing is my citizinship. The U.S. Immigration Officer in Montreal claimed tt I was still a US Cit. in view of the fact that I had joined up after the U.S. had declared war. Well we'll see what happens.

I had a swell time on my 48 in Birmingham with Al. It didn't seem at all strange to be with him. In fact, we were both saying tt it wouldn't surprise us at all to turn around and see Max coming in the door. Maybe we will one of these days. Please save these cards. I'd like to have them after the war. I'm going to send this ordinary mail. Let me know how long it takes. Got the parcel with the sby jam "<" candy from Mrs. B. Tnx. More next time. 88 Wendell

April 5, '43

Dear Mother and Dad,

This is card no. 2. Today was my day off. Went over to the village for a haircut "<" some pipe tobacco. I've finally found some tt I like. It's Player's "Medium" Navy cut. tt is, English tobbaco tt I like. I still prefer Briggs. The only trouble with this tobacco is tt it's 50 cents an ounce. The last parcel I got contained - Jam, candy, "<" film. Oh, here's the number. It's Box 9. I got a letter from Katy on Sat. She's a pretty swell girl.

The speedometer on my car used to be slow. It might be well to compare it with the Dodge. Have you put any varnish on the two wood pieces on the top? I just rubbed a little on with a rag. Did you know tt the driver's seat is adjustable? I had it pretty well back. Mother could drive it better with the seat forward - I think.

I bought an Aero text. - $5.00. I'm brushing up on it. Covers the same ground as Aero I. I'm helping one of the lads design a radio-controlled model. He's doing the radio "<" I'm doing the "kite".

We eat quite a few potatos etc. I'm getting a gross ventre such as Wyoming never saw. I'd like to know how much I weigh. Any chance of sending a small (3x4) photocopy of Katy's senior picture? 88, WEY

Letter no 11 I think

(Can) R145388
LAC Young WE
149 Squadron
Royal Canadian Air Force

Dear Mother "<" Dad,

I'm so mixed up on my letter writing. I don't know who I've written to or what I've said. It's due partly to the chess set, partly to the bike but mostly to plain inertness on my part. I let it go so long tt I don't know what I've done.

Periodically we all move our bunks around. I'm in a corner now. I was right beside the stove but it will be getting warm soon - I hope - "<" I'm under a window now. Our hut is arranged like this.

My bunk used to be where the table is now. I like being in a corner I can have all my junk in there too "<" it doesn't get in anyones way. At night I bring my bike in there too. There is a shelf at the head of the bed. I've got quite a few books on it "<" that big picture frame "<" my pipe tobacco. The hut just had 3 lights hanging from the roof so I tapped in "<" put a light under the shelf. Now I can sit up at the head of the bed "<" read or write - which I am doing. If you can call it that. hi hi!

I've gotten one letter from Al Ranson, "<" written him one suggesting a bike tour. Haven't had an answer yet.

I made a light for my bike out of an old flashlight. Just used the head of it. And made a [word?] battery box to hold a big battery - bigger than a flashlight but not as big as a No. 6.

It's too bad about Johnny Anning. They will miss him even more with Max away. I wrote to Max a long time ago but never got an answer.

I got the box with the grape jelly. We have some pretty good midnight snacks with it. I also got the box with the Mary Lee candy in it. That was quite a treat. I believe I asked for quite a few canned things. Well, jam, butter, candy, "<" hot chocolat are really the only things we miss. Besides the rest is pretty heavy for all we get.

Several days later

Somebody came in while I was writing "<" I didn't get a chance to finish. Wroking 7 days a week we loose all track of time. Your Birthday passed before I even know it was March! And by then it was too late to do any thing about it. Ditto for Katy's. I got a letter from Al. (second one). We may be able to get together on a 48 this next weekend. I'm going to try to phone him some night when there are no "ops". Al thinks tt he will be able to get a leave at the end of this month. It wil be too cold to take a cycle tour in Scotland then but we may be able to tour the south of England.

I've just discovered that I have no stamps. It will be two days before I can get any. - I have to order them. - I'll leave a space here in case I want to add something before I finally mail this. -

Got my stamps today but no mail. I'm writing a letter to Katy tonight.


P.S. Did I tell you tt I bought an old silver candle snuffer. It's about 100 years old. I may mail it home. I don't know yet.

May 28, 1943

Dear Mother "<" Dad,

We can send these [Airgraphs] to the States. Just got back from leave "<" so had bags of mail. - Letters from Ken, Rome, Joe S., two from you (including one from Jean.) We couldn't get 7 days together. So I went over to the town nearest Al's base. He had two days off "<" besides could get into town after duty each night. We took short cycle trips, did some canoeing on the river "<", in general, had a good time. I didn't get box no. 10. I've got up to No 12. They seem to be coming pretty good. You might send me another flashlight though. I'll tell you more about my leave in a letter. I'm sending an Airgraph to Joan. It was good having Dali winning a first.

88 Wendell

#3 June 22 1943

Dear Mother "<" Dad,

I waited until I found out of you received # 1"<" 2 before I sent this one [postcard with sketches of English towns]. Maybe if you would send me some vitamins I'd get a few letters written. I may try to get together with Al on a 48 in London. If we do we'll go have a look for the Bignell's "<" see what we would have gotten. I may have to wait 'til payday to post this. Spend what's left over from each Bond on the house!!!

88 WEY

(Can) R145388
LAC Young WE
149 Squadron
Royal Canadian Air Force

July 1 1943

Dear Mother "<" Dad,

Here comes another masterpiece in misspelling. hi.hi.

Summer is well on its way. Very much like the cottage.

We're in a different hut now. It's a sgt's billit - much nicer. It's divided in to rooms. Four in a room. All the "Canadians" are in the one room. - Olie, Joe, Ed, and I. -

I rec'vd box no 14 on the 3rd of June "<" box no. 15 on the 29. Just in nice time for the 6th [Dad's birthday]. I opened box 15 to see if it was OK. I'm saving most of it until my birthday. I haven't looked at the cake yet but I think it's OK. The other fellows get them all right.

I haven't heard anything more about my transfer to the US Army. I put in for a 2nd Lt.'cy. If I can't get that, they can have it.

Tomorrow noon I'm going to Cambridge. Al "<" I have a 24 hour pass. We'll probably stay at the A.R.C. Club. I was going to take my new bike down on the train with me so tt we could ride around but I think I'll just hitch-hike both way instead.

Now here comes some funny requests. At least I hope you have as much fun thinking of the possible explanations as I have. The first one: A pair of soft red leather baby shoes sixe 3 or 4. A friend of mine has a little boy "<" would give anything for them. - Must be red.

Second: A girl's blue (Air Force) leather hand-bag of the military type with a shoulder strap. Said girl is our van driver "<" will pay me for said bag. I once asked her if there was anything tt she would like. They aren't issued with anything like that "<" have a heck of a time with all their junk. They only things over here like that cost $25.00. So if you can get me something tt looks good "<" doesn't cost much Whiz-ho! If not let me know "<" I'll break the news gently.

Third: A package of bobby pins for hair the color of mine. Same pins I will give to said van driver tt is if they can be had in the states now.

As for my tastes you have been doing all right! It might be best to send me a 1/2 lb. tin of Briggs each month. Because if I do miss a box with a large tin in it then "I've had it" for some time.

I've got plenty of coffee now. Joke Dept.: You send some coffee in a tea tin. It looked sealed so I didn't open it. I just sat "<" looked at it "<" muttered. (We even get tea for breakfast here!) Well, the other day I opened it "<" found, to my joy tt it wasn't tea at all! So now I'm all smiles prune [???] style "<" think much more of my parents.

A very difficult situation has arisen. You wrote me tt Katy had a boy friend in the bomber plant. At the same time her letters stopped coming. Naturally in my somewhat jealous frame of mine I put 2 "<" 2 together "<" got +/- sq rt. 16! What made me so mad was tt I was sure she wasn't the type of girl that would do a thing like that. Now I see that she wasn't after all. She was just trying to teach me a lesson in letter-writing - which I well deserve.

I'm still as fond of her as ever and as stubborn as ever. - "Tune" in tomorrow night as see how poor Pauline gets out of this situation. Oh well, it's a poor war but better than no war at all. tt's my motto.

One bar of lux face soap each month would be F.b. Tnx for the wood box of shaving soap. I won't need any refills for some time. I have enough for a year now. If you haven't sent a flashlight don't bother. I have an issue one now. You can still send me 3 batterys (Large size) every 2 or 3 months.

We have an elect. plate in our room "<" have soup "<" bread or coca "<" bread or coffee "<" bread every few nights. There being 4 of us we always have a parcel between us. We always have either jam, cheese or marg. to make sandwitches [sic]with. And so you see we have a pretty good time of it.

I expect to go on leave Aug 7 for 8 days. I hope Al can swing his leave for tt same time.

Betty C. burned me up with a letter. She made a few shallow remarks about Jack "<" then added a crack about how safe I was! As if I wanted to be doing this work. Grrrrrr!

I must thank her for the swell box of candy she sent though. Let me know how long the Airgraph took.

tt's all for now, I think.


P.S. I sent Jean Southerland Dawson Berkimer an Air Graph too.

R145388 - LAC Young, WE - RCAF Overseas


Dear Mother "<" Dad,

Hope this fills the gap between my regular letters.

Al "<" I took some pictures of each other when we were canoeing. They turned out very well. In fact, I'm very pleased with all of them so far. - Two rolls. I haven't any prints yet. Just the neg.

We had a little birthday party on the night of the 6th. The cake was swell. The icing was a bit messy though.

I haven't made up my mind yet where I'm going for my next leave. Al "<" I may spend a 48 in London.

Got a booklet from G. G. Ross. - Sky Campus. It is one of the best things I"ve ever seen. I've read it over "<" over. I'd almost like to get into something like tt after the war. Give my love to Actel, T.W. "<" Ld.



Dear Mother "<" Dad,

I think this is the first "gen" Air mail letter tt I've written in some time. The last few letters were sent regular mail.

I've seen Al in Cambridge once. We went canoeing. The next week he wasn't able to get off. "<" then the next week after tt I wasn't able to get away. So I haven't seen him since.

For the last two weeks I've been swimming every night - almost. We get to the pond about 1830 hrs "<" swim until 2030 hrs. The sun is still quite high in the sky. At noon I sometimes get a half or three quarters of an hour out in the sun. I'm getting a bit of a tan - Even at this lat.

I've been going around strictly stag since about last Xmas. I had a few dates then. But this last week I've had a swimming date almost every night. This girl has one of the smoothest Australian crawls I've ever seen. - Her parents are Australian for tt matter. She's studying nursing. Likes swimming, canoeing, horseback riding, cycling "<" hiking. Not bad, Eh? She's about 18 years old. Home's in Newcastle but is spending her vacation fruit picking here.

I'm going on leave Aug 7 to 14. Going up to the Lake Dist. Taking my bike with me. I haven't heard wheather or not Al can get a leave then. TT's the only time I can get away.

I got your letter # 42 in 10 days. Wizz-ho.

It's taken me an hour "<" ten min. to write this much so I think tt I should go to bed. It's 11:10 PM. Got a swell letter from Fran, too.

88 Wendell

P.S. I met a boy from Mackinaw City Mich. over here. He knows the chap I flew with out of St. Ignace (Bob Wellcome). His sister lives in Ann Arbor. I've seen him 2 or 3 times. His name is Barton Walford (Roxy). His sister is Mrs. J.P. Grennan, 323 E. Williams St., Ann Arbor, Michigan


(Can) R145388 LAC Young
Attached RAF
Royal Canadian Air Force

Dear Mother "<" Dad

Was going to start this letter early this morning - It's my day off - but I started reading tt book of dog stories "<" it is now 11 AM.

I got your letter No 44 yesterday. Unless you have already gotten it, don't get a bag unless you can find a blue ont. Black ones can be had over here

My chum may be a little embarrased with all those baby-clothes but never-the-less very happy.

I can't remember all the things I did on tt leave with Al, But we took quite a few pictures. I've developed them. Exposures all OK. I won't print them until after the war.

I've just finished a rather hap-hazard 7 day leave. I was wanting to spend it with Al but I was on leave before I could make any arrangements. My leave started on a sat (the 7th).

Aileen - this babe tt I've been swimming with - was going back to work Mon., but she was through her fruit-picking Sat noon. So we decided to cycle to Newmarket Sat "<" swim "<" go to a movie. There wasn't a good show on so we browsed around in an antique shop. But neither of us saw anything we liked tt was small. They had some very nice fireplace bellows but they'd fill a kit bag.

It rained all the way home. The wx looked doubtful when we started so I brought along Ollie's ground sheet as well as my own. They're best to cycle in.

Sunday afternoon we just cycled. There are a lot of interesting country lanes around here, and we would just start off "<" turn up what ever one looked best.

My RR ticket was for Edinburgh via London. Aileen was going via London also, so we went together. Had a gay time. Had to stand up on the train all the way. It's not far to London - though.

We came in at Liverpool St. Sta. Aileen's train left from King's Cross so we took her bags over there "<" checked through. We had something to eat after getting lost in the tubes "<" deciding tt we didn't have time to see Cue Gardens - or how ever it's spelled -

We made a good looking pair. Ailen is of medium build "<" tall - 5' 8" - "<" was wearing a very smart tailored suit in a gray - green shadow plaid. And I was in tweeds. The average English man is not tall so we sort of stuck out any way.

Her train was late in the afternoon but we were having such a good time tt we missed it "<" almost missed the next one. My train wasn't until the next day.

I drew some "deferred" pay at London, but only got 1-10-0. Thought tt I might as well have nothing as tt "<" so bought a pipe for 30 shillings. Good pipe. I want to bring back about 3 good English pipes with me. I have two now. I got the other 2 leaves ago. The first one cost 25s "<" is this shape [straight stem]. The 2nd one cost 30s "<" is this shape [curved stem]. Both are large and have wonderful grain.

Well to get back to my leave. Took the 10 PM train for Edinburgh. Got there about 7 in the morning (Wed) The American Club was full so went to the Canadian one. It was nicer than the Canadian ones in London. There the Amer. Clubs are the only good ones.

Saw Edgh Castle - didn't got to see the bridge. Will try to see it next time I'm up tt way.

Spent a few days there. Took an afternoon train to Newcastle. The tracks followed the shore. Looked around Newcastle tt evening (Aileen lives in NC. but I knew she wasn't there then). Took the 1:20 AM train out of Newcastle for home. Arrived a day early with one penny. Borrowed a few bob from Ed "<" cycled to Newmarket.

I've received boxes #14, 15, 17, 18. It's too soon to assume tt #16 is lost. I often get them out of order. Haven't received the 2.00 yet, but likewise it's too soon to worry abt it.

By the way, those books are swell. I have a heck of a time reading them myself. All the fellows want them. They're very good about returning them so I don't mind.

I got a letter from Katy. Reading it was like watching a mich - minn football game. Very carefully thought out plays - no openings "<" no chances taken. I must answer it right away. It's taken me until dinner time to write this one.

Well, I think tt's all for this amount of space. I wish I could get hold of a typewriter.


(Can) R145388 LAC Young WE
Attached RAF, RCAF Overseas

Sept 3, '43

Dear Mother "<" Dad.

I can't remember what I've said about my last leave. Any way I split it between London "<" Edinburgh.

I spent a 48 last weekend at Aileen's home in Newcastle on Tyne. They live near the edge of the city in a very nice 3 story house. The house isn't theirs but I imagine it's at least as good as the one they had in the country. Her mother "<" kid sister were there. The sister's 14. Aileen's 20. They have two more - a sister "<" brother. They weren't there. I don't know how old they are. I don't know the score about Aileen's Father. He may not be alive. They didn't mention him.

It was a 3 day "48". Takes a day to get there. So I only had from 4PM Fri until 10 AM Sun. I don't think the wx could have been worse. But in spite of tt I had a wonderful time.

Fri night we went for a walk with her dog Kong, and then sat in front of the fire. It was good to be in a house for a change. Sat we took Aileen's cycle "<" her mother's on the train to a rather nice spot "<" cycled to the next town "<" then took the train back. Stocksbridge to Hexing I think. It drizzled most of the time. Was wearing tweed slacks "<" a rain coat. (Ollie had my tweed jacket in S. [illegible]). We dug in to the side of a straw stack to eat our lunch. Sat night saw us again in front of the fire. I was trying to teach her some Basic Elect. - She has to pass an exam in it this Nov. - She's well educated "<" quite smart.

It gave me quite a start to wake up and find a rather pretty girl bending over me instead of another bleary-eyed airman saying, "Come on, Wen, - - we gotta get to work,"

Sometime ago I passed an exam for my "A Grouping". It meant another shilling a day. Of course it takes ages for the records to catch up but yesterday both Joe "<" I drew 14 pound "<" 14 shillings. Not bad, eh? It was back pay. After this I will draw 4-2-0 a pay instead of 3-9-0. I've put most of it in a P.O. account. I'm going on 8 days leave in a month "<" taking a 48 in Nov. (When Aileen finishes her exams). This back pay will just set me up. By the way, I haven't received the two pounds yet. It may not be time yet. I've forgotten when you sent it.

In the next parcel you might send me one of my ties. One tt would go with my grey tweeds "<" tt wouldn't clash with a "silver grey" shirt. The shirt has a very slight blueish tinge. Tt would seem to make red the colour for the tie. Send one of my best. They're only a buck anyhow.

I'm not sure where I'll go on my leave. I think I'll take my cycle to Scotland. Make a short tour "<" stop in at Newcastle on my way home. That is, if I get the invitation. They muttered the usual "come again, won't you?" as I was leaving but I wouldn't stop unless Aileen mentioned it again. She knows tt I'll be coming back tt way so I'm hoping.

Those books "<" the Reader's Digest are the best things I get - almost. I have quite a time reading them myself. Usually it's not until everyone else in the hut has read them.

I won't be able to mail this until I can get some stamps. So I'll leave a space at the bottom in case I want to add. 88 Wendell.

(Can) R145388
LAC Young WE
RCAF Overseas

Edinburgh, Scotland

Dear Mother "<" Dad,

As you see I'm spending my leave is Scotland again. I have my cycle with me but the wx is sort of tinky so haven't done much yet. I spent all of Monday getting here. Today we Tue. I'm staying until Fri non "<" then going down to Newcastle for the weekend. Hope the wx is good. It won't matter too much anyway because I've promised Aileen I'd help her with her Physics.

I'm just wearing tweeds this time. Didn't even bring my uniform.

I received two parcels just before I came on leave. I can't remember the numbers. I have to boxes in the bilet. Both had a 1/4 lb of Briggs in a bean box "<" something else. Thar war marshmallows, jam "<" those baby clothes. Our driver was very pleased with the bag. She said to thank you very much "<" she insisted on paying for it.

You should have heard the howls tt went up when I held up the little play suit. Anyway my chum thought they were pretty super.

The main reason I made an aplication for transfer to the US Army Air Force is tt it would cinch my citizanship. What with the U.S. wanting all the trained men they can get they might pull a little harder for me than they might after the war. I would be doing exactly the same work "<" living mostly on ex RAF stations. The food would be better "<" there would be more chance of advancement. The idea of being an LAC for the duration tends to make me loose interest in the work. - of course the transfer might not come through. It's OK with the USAAF. I've had a medical exam by them. Now it's up to the RCAF to release me. So in the meantime I'm just forgetting about it.

Oh, I got tt two pounds you sent. The number was wrong "<" it must have taken a little extra time to get it to me.

A month ago I drew 14 pounds back pay. Not bad, eh? I just about fell over.

It's swell tt Joyce was able to go to Ann Arbor. I'm so sorry tt I couldn't be there. I've always wanted to show AA to her. To bad she couldn't be there with Ye olde college atmosphere.

I spent this afternoon in the various bookstores tt cater to the U of Edgb. A very poor selection of Enginering textbooks. Even Cambridge which I didn't think was much of an Engine School had a better selection.

I can't think of anything more just now, but I'll leave a space in case I want to add something in the morning.
88 Wendell

P.S. I've sent you 2 hankies and a tie for Dad. They are "on coupons"/ The store won't give them to me but will send them direct to the states. If you haven't already sent me a tie, don't bother. - Ollie got one in S. [illegible, poss. Ireland]. But if you have so much the better. It's about time I started worrying about Xmas cards. I hope the hanks "<" tie get there by then. Well, 88 again.


[Post Office Telegram to Wendell]

NR/T R 145388 7/10/43 149+
67 10.40 NR/T OHMD 31

For some reason, I don't have any more letters home from Dad. I have no idea where they are, which is probably OK, because I'll bet you (the reader) are about as tired of reading this saga as I (the transcriber) am of typing it!

Wendell left the US Army Air Force with the rank of Staff Sergeant. On his way through the service, he had several other girlfriends, but left them all behind to return to U of M, finish his Engineering degree, and get on with the rest of his life.

A photo gallery is coming in the near future.

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Last revised June 1st., 2006. Comments to: E. A. Young