Part 4 - Overseas with the RCAF: October 1942 to January 1943

Montreal - Mar. 18 - May 20. 1942.

R.C.A.F. overseas Oct. 1942 - Jan. 1943

OCT 18 PM 5 03




1942 OCT 18 PM 1 19





Dear Mother "<" Dad,

This is letter no 1. I sent one cable "<" learned that it was for Canada only so I thought I had better send another one to make sure. The first one only cost half a crown "<" the second 10 bob.

I'm still glad I didn't bring my good watch. Hugh "lost" his good one "<" Ed broke his "<" can't get anyone to repair it. Just a main spring, too... My Ingersoll is acting up a bit. Find out if you can send me a cheap watch either as a gift or as one I forgot. May be you could send it from Windsor you can get one for about $5.00 with a round case "<" Dial. And luminos. A so-called "service man's watch" with a sweep second hand. Maybe you could send it Airmail. A watch like that would cost $20.00 here.

You can send me milk chocolate bars or bittersweet any time you want to. Also a little Briggs. We get very little candy and pipe tobbacco is 60 cents an ounce. We can get things like flash light battries etc.

We're waiting to be posted. We don't do anything here but fill out papers "<" sit around. Jack is here too. I've only seen him once. We were "on parade" "<" couldn't find out where each other lived.

We are in a city, and have rooms in a hotel. Our bunch is scattered over several hotels. We all eat in another hotel uptown.

I like it here very much but its too easy to spend money in a place like this. I'll like it much better when we get on operations.

I've had one ride in the train through the country. It is beautiful. Rolling farm lands with a few big unworked hills. A countryside of fresh green fields - the pattern being broken by a plowed one. Each field with a dark border. - Either a stone fence or a lush hedge. The knurled trees "<" the rambling old cottages lend an air of deep-rooted peace. Riding to hounds would become a natural sport.

I would like to spend a few months exploring this place in a light roadster. Natural wood, tweeds, brown leather and pipe smoking blend perfectly into this country. I'm writing this on one side only so if anything is cut out nothing else will be.

I've had only the one letter (that I got in Canada) since I left home. Joyce Carmichael will send you an Airgraph for you to give to Katy. I can't send one to the states. And I told Katy I'd send her one.

I'm going to write to Katy tonight. I've already sent the airgraphs - one to Joyce "<" one to Katy at Joyce's address. I'll write again soon. My address is
(Can) R-145388
LAC Young, W.E.
Attached RAF
Royal Canadian Air Force Overseas

Love Wendell

P.S. Give Katy my love - in case my letter to her gets lost. -

Nov 2, 1942 Air mail letter #2

(Can) R145388
LAC Young, W.E.Mbr>Attached RAF
Royal Canadian Air Force Overseas

Dear Mother "<" Dad,

I was going to write you the same time I wrote #2 to Katy. But we've been quite busy. We finally got our posting. Had an 8 hr train ride to our squadron. Hugh Wmson [Williamson], Ed Love, Joe Walsh, Charlie Banks "<" I were posted together. But, as usual, things were screwed up and when we got here they said they had enough RM's "<" so Hugh was posted away. That leaves the four of us. Two of us will get a 7 days leave - to get us out of the way for awhile. We flipped coins to see who goes. Charlie "<" Joe are going. Ed "<" I will get one when they come back - If we're lucky - I would rather have gone with Banks. He's just like Ed Betts. Same size - walk - glasses - sense of humor - even looks - except that he has lighter hair. I like him the best of this present bunch.

We're in a heavy bomber squadron - 4 motor - . The more I crawl around in them, the more I wish I were flying them. We sometimes get up for a test flight. But usually we can do it all on the ground. I was sitting in the pilot's seat the other day. It seemed quite natural. - 4 times as many controls "<" a few more flight instruments than the usual but otherwise quite homey. -

Our situation is quite spread out. We walk 1/3 of a mile to eat "<" then 3/4 mile to the "kites" (The RAF slang word for airplane). The whole station is camaflaged (sp?). The buildings are under trees when ever possible "<" are painted zig-zag. some of the billets are like the usual ones but ours is a half cylinder - LIFE pictured some that are used in Iceland. Ours would hold about 12 men, but there is only the 4 of us in it. There is a nice little camp stove in it "<" a table. - Something we didn't have in the last station. The covering is corregated iron - two layers with air between , - "<" no internal bracing. We are right on the edge of a little pinewood lot. It makes it nice. Something like camping. But you should hear some of the fellows complaining. They're strictly city boys used to easy chairs "<" warm toilet seats. They're sure they'll go crazy out here with nothing do look at but rolling land "<" pine trees. They make me sick. I'm enjoying every minute of it! Which is very lucky for me, because if I weren't, I'd be aweful miserable.

I've only gotten two letters since I left U.S. Both Air mail. I got yours on the 25th of Oct. One from Katy the same day.

I have quite a bit of light weight paper, so you needent send any for a while yet. Anytime you get a chance you can send me some chocolate Bars. We're quite short of sugar. In fact you could send any of the following (in order of preference.) Candy - Strawberry jam (in a tin) - chewing gum - Briggs - photographs - 35mm film - wool gloves -. My watch has stopped alltogether. Let me know what you were able to do - if anything - about a cheap watch (service type). Did I tell you that Jack broke his $75.00 Chronograph? Some of the fellows here have gotten parcels from home already. They sure look happy.

There is a possibility that Jack "<" I might be on the same squadron eventually. We would have to pull strings of course, but it could be done.

It must be 11:00 PM. Most of the boys are in bed. I've been doing DI's (Daily Inspections) the last two days. Its quite wearing - knowing that a whole crew depends on your work to a certain extent. I wouldn't mind flying a kite after I had done the work on it but when it's somebody else's neck it seems different. Oh well, C'est la guerre!

Give my love to Actel "<" Mudje. [horse and dog]


(Can) R145388

LAC Young, W.E.
149 Squadron
Royal Canadian Air Force Overseas

Nov. 30 Letter No. 3

Dear Mother "<" Dad,

I have quite a time getting letters written. I've finally gotten my xmas cards off. Send them to: the Butmans, Rosses Jean D. Billy Gimby, Grandpa "<" Grandma, The Smallwoods. They'll probably all be late.

Either this address or the one you have been using is OK. By the time you get this, I may be in another sqdn but you can take a chance if you want. It would be forwarded anyway. I've written quite a few letters to Katy but not as often as she has. I'll write down the nos of the letters that I've gotten when I get to the end of this. It is cold enough that I wear my long issue underwear "<" a long sleeved sweater, blue pants "<" either my tunic or blue overalls.

We get up about 0800 hours get to work about 0845 - its a good 7 min walk to the cook house "<" 12 min from there to the section. The noon hour is taken up by walking back to eat "<" washing, etc. We have "tea" at 4:30 PM "<" by the time we have gotten the fire going in our mission hut "<" into more comfortable clothes, it's time for supper at 7:00 PM. We get so little to eat at tea time that we (i.e. the canadians) always go back for supper which consists of leftovers. Just a few of the raf boys go back.

Last Sat was my day off. I got up the usual time "<" did a washing. - 10 jockey shorts, 5 shirts, 3 collars, 12 handkerchiefs, "<" 4 pr socks. - All done by the dip, swish, squeeze method. I just finished ironing the 3 best shirts, the collars "<" 8 handkerchiefs. - I may make a good wife yet. After the washing Ed Love "<" I hitched into [censored] didn't have much time. I want to go back again "<" see more of the [censored]. I saw some very nice etchings of some of the U buildings in a bookstore - both colored "<" plain. I'd like to get some ... One in particular was an arch. They weren't expensive, about a half-crown, I think. That's about 60 cents.

In my first letter I asked for a $5.00 (approx) "serviceman's watch". If you got the letter, don't bother with this part. Repeating: wrist watch, round case "<" dial (black) with lumninous figures "<" a sweep second hand. We can't get a watch over here for less than 5 pounds. I don't want my good one because the way we work a watch gets quite a beating. Try to send it Airmail. Its more reliable. Ed broke his watch, too "<" has written for one. The mail is slow this time of the year. Your first letters came in 10 to 15 days airmail. Now some of them are that fast "<" others take as long as a month. The one thing about airmail - it almost always gets there. I'll send this regular mail. By the time you get this I should have gotten the watch if you sent it when you got the first letter. So far I have received letters no: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8; one from Dad from the Soo; "<" four from Katy. No parcels yet.

Got a card from Ken Latta. He got over OK. And a letter from Romeo. He's here OK. I might have seen him when I was on leave if I had known that he was here. - I spend 7 days in London. I had a good time but had only enough money to eat and sleep. I'd like to catch the guy that said you couldn't buy things over here. It may be just as well, I haven't much room to carry anything.

I want to bring you something. If there is anything that you would like me to get you here just say what.

Breakfast isn't much to look forward to. Lunch is the best of them there is always the possibility of mail at noon. I was hoping that I wouldn't see another egg. Worse luck. Practically every morning we have powdered Egg! We're hungry enough to eat it "<" it makes me sick every time. grrrrrr! ! !

One of the lads got an 11 lb box of hard chocolate. Whow! was he happy. We get so little sugar or candy that I think I could [eat?] all of it. Any time you want to send some go ahead. I'd like a tin of jam, too. And here is something special. "Nestles" makes a powder that contains - milk, sugar "<" coca. just mix it with hot water "<" you have coca. It can be bought in most drug stores (C "<" F corner of State "<" Packard) "<" some grocery stores. If you could send some of that I'd like it very much. Well, I must go to bed.


P.S. It might be best to send any parcels to the address that you have been using.

Letter No 4 Dec 6 1942

(Can) R145388
LAC Young WE
149 Squadron
Royal Canadian Airforce

Dear Mother "<" Dad,

This is my day off. Thought I'd better start it by writing you. I got up at the usual time (0800 hrs) planning to have a shower. Had Breakfast - Brans "<" bacon "<" cornflakes with something like milk. - but when I got to the showers I found that the water hadn't been turned on. It will be on by now, but the water will be cold also. Must try again this afternoon. I lit a fire "<" swept out the hut. There are just 6 of us in a 12 man hut. We have lots of room. I've got the table practically on the stove trying to get my feet warm. Though it's not so cold today.

I don't think I'll go anywhere in particular. I may walk into the village later on. I've got to do a washing "<" take a shower "<" shave. Also should figure out some way to get my hair cut. There is no one here tt can do it "<" it's Sun.

My next day off is a week from tomorrow. I'm going down to Cambridge again. I'm going to buy a quart tin oil measure to use for a kettle. Can't buy a kettle or sauce pan at all. I got a big package from Eva yesterday. I was quite surprised. And I didn't even send them an Xmas card! I'll have to send a wire on payday. Her parcel was mailed on Nov 4. I haven't gotten the one you mailed from the Soo yet, but I expect it will get here by Xmas. They don't always come in order.

I sort of hope you sent Jack something. I've had a couple of letters from him since I got on this station. I should write to Jack, Max, Betty "<" Joyce. "<" Billy ditto. But I have only one stamp left "<" I have just sixpence to last a week.

The NAAFI wagon brings tea "<" pie etc out on the 'drome twice a day. [Dad told me once that the NAAFI wagon sold three kinds of pie. Apple, cherry and one other kind. He and/or some of the guys tried them with eyes shut and couldn't tell the difference in 'flavor'. That "<" our day off leaves me broke most of the time. Our biggest cost is transportation. It's 6 miles to the R.R. Sta. and very little traffic. We have to take a taxi costs 6 shillings. Joe was broke when he came back from leave "<" had to walk it. Just about killed him in the blackout too.

I want to buy a bike. It's the only way to get around - Even on the 'drome "<" on my day off I could go all over. The roads are good "<" there is very little traffic. On my leave I could take it on the train with me to Scotland etc. and them proceed by bike.

The only trouble is that I'm drawing so little pay over here that I couldn't possibly save up for one. I can get a real good one for eight pounds. It wouldn't pay to get an old one. Parts are too hard to get etc. So here it comes: If you could see your way clear to cable me ten pounds I could be sure of getting one "<" having a little extra besides. If you would have to wait a month to do it it would be OK. Just cable it to the address on this letter or the one tt you have been using. Either one will do.

Write and tell me when you send it. Or if you can't send it.

Your Airmail letters have been coming pretty good. They've been slow this month before Xmas. My letters to you will be much slower than yours because of the delay at the censor (only 2 of yours have been opened). I haven't received any mail - except Eva's since I wrote last. Eva sent me:
1 tin orange "<" grape F
1 pkg Bovril
3 Hot choc
3 choc Bars
5 life savers
3 gum
Chicken tin
comb "<" steptic pencil
shave cream
pkg cheese
I haven't opened it yet, just read the label.

My pen writes pretty good don't you think? I dropped it in the London Zoo while taking a picture of a bear. It (pen) broke the point off. I thought I couldn't hurt it any more so I went at it with my pliers "<" emery paper "<" got it so it works OK. It used to be fine but I think I like the course better.

It's 11:30 now I should wake up Ed "<" then get ready for dinner. We always have a good dinner. The other 3 meals aren't much. Dinners are usually soup, mashed potatos, 2 vegitables (one green) meat, rice or pie or pudding, no drink.

The operational suppers are good too but we only get them once in a while. Two of us at a time have to be out on the field an hour before take-off "<" a half hour after. Take off is any time between 4 PM "<" 4 AM or there abouts. We usually get supper just before we go out or if it's early, when we come back.

Well, I must shave. So hoping for some mail soon

88 Wendell

Dec 10 1942 Letter No. 5

(Can) R145388
LAC Young WE
149 Squadron
Royal Canadian Air Force

Dear Mother "<" Dad,

Got your Xmas box two days ago. Haven't opened it you. Waiting 'til Xmas. I told you in letter No 4 tt Eva sent me a box.

5 letters in two months doesn't seem like very many, but with being only in the first place for a short time "<" getting settled here I've been sort of busy.

We're pretty well in the routine now. I should be able to be more regular. We have two more less regular visitors. One is a little black "<" white short-haired dog "<" the other is a big black one tt looks like a Cheasapeak (sp). The little one is here now. We call him Yoric. He comes in and stand in front of the stove until I put an extra matress down by the stove for him. then he curls up "<" goes to sleep. We haven't named the big one yet. He comes in for something to eat "<" to get his ears rubbed. I like him the best but he doesn't come around as often as Yoric does.

Our mattress is made up of three square "biscuits". They're put end to end on the bed. Unless the bed is made carefully, one or more are on the floor in the morning. I finally tied the bottom two on to the springs.

How's my car working? Can Mother drive it OK? Does the heater work. Do the side curtins fit well with the new top? I used to put several layers of heavy papers under the rear floor mat to kill the noise and make it warm on the feet of anyone riding there. Have the tires been changed around? If you get the front end re-bushed you might have to get a new front spring to make it steer OK. Also the front axel is bent. It needs one new shock asorber or maybe 4 new ones. There is one bent wheel. What gas "<" oil milage does it give? There is a "hot" wire running under the mat to the radio. It might short. The wood on the sides of the top (at the back) should have some more varnish. Western Auto might have some more "T" rubber windshield strip. (For the sides). There is a hole in the bottom of the frame for it to slip in to "<" then more put in after it. I find tt a piece of inner tube jammed over the top pegs on the top of the windshield is OK for making the top stay down. If all the side curtins were not in the car the rest are in store room in a box. You will probably have found them by now. Well, that's about enough on the car.

Time out for supper

Had a mixture of mashed potatos "<" cheese - not bad. Not to good either. "<" bread pudding and tea. I'm getting just a bit tired of tea. We even have it for "breakfast". I've got another washing to do. Not so big this time. Should write to Katy too. Guess I'll do tt tomorrow night. I'm going to go to bed early tonight. It's 8 PM now. When I finish this I'm going to read my CE handbook for an hour "<" then go to bed. Last nite I started to work out the stresses in a canvas chair that I'm going to make. (Like the ones Dad made at the old Camp Davis.) I got stuck. I'll have to dig it out of the book.

I was going to wire some flowers to you for Xmas if I could afford it but I can't. This letter will be late for Xmas but I hope you had a good one. So. Happy New Year!

88 Wendell

P.S. No mail since I last mentioned it.

Letter No
Xmas Day

Dear Mother "<" Dad,

I hope you are enjoying today as much as I am. They really do all right by the Air Force. Last night we had an all-rank dance. It seemed tt everywhere I went someone bought me a drink. LAC's, Sgts "<" Officers alike. It was the first time I "danced" since I got here. I met a big scotch lass (WAAF) who said she couldn't dance either. I just steered her "<" we mowed them down. She was the size of a trunk. She's really very nice, though. Works in the battery charging room.

This morning for breakfast we had a real egg - fried "<" bacon "<" corn flakes "<" jam. In spite of what I think abt eggs, it was good. It's the first real egg we'be had. This egg powder is synthetic I think.

After breakfast we cleaned up the hut "<" finished the Xmas decorations in it. We have pine boughs (sp) in a string acress the room in two places "<" real paper (off Xmas parcels) over the lamps. Looks good. And there's a roaring fire in the stove. There are just 4 canadians "<" me in the hut.

At noon we went down for dinner. The tables were all banquet style. WAAF's "<" Airmen sitting where they liked. Our Canadian section all sat together. The meal was served by the Sgts "<" Officers - (bucket brigade style). We had soup, chicken "<" pork, Brussel sprouts, carrots, baked potatos, mashed potatos, pudding "<" free beer. - All we could drink "<" free cigarettes.

We sat around after dinner singing songs. A gay time! And then back to the hut to write some letters. Although this will probably be the only one.

I opened my presents just before dinner. They were swell. The gloves are swell! And the Briggs make me feel right at home. I'll write the Butmans soon "<" thank them for the nuts "<" paper. I'm glad you sent a stiff brush, I needed one! The picture of Katy is really good. The fellas think it's OK too. I have it on the shelf over my bunk.

Got your letter about sending the watch. Good show! As for sending me money every month, No. I'd rather have you wire me some if I need it. And anything you send ie. Briggs, jam, candy - any kind - will be better than sending money. It turned out that unsweetened chocolat is the only kind we get here. So any other kind would be OK.

I wrote quite a while ago for you to wire me ten pounds - for a bike. I saw one in town the other day for six so I should have a little extra money besides. Ten pounds is a lot of money. What I have left will do me for quite a while. I don't want to start another page so
88 Wendell

P.S. Any of these things you could send. (1) A pocket chess set: Ulericks Book store used to have them. They were in a box 5" square "<" 1 1/2" thick. The men have a peg on the bottom "<" when the lid is closed it hold them in place. Thus the game can be continued at a later date. I think tt they were only abt $2.50. If you can't find one don't bother to send any because as much as I want a set, space is at a premium. (2) Briggs - either 1/2 or 1 lb. I'm smoking a bit more than before. No cigaretts please. (3) Jam - Strawberry, or honey. (4) Candy - Any kind. Jelly beans, choc. Licorice (sp). (5) Coffee - 1/2 lb of the beans. They keep better than ground "<" I can grind it. (6) Vitiman Pills All kinds that you think I would need. (7) pipe cleaners: one package. (9) Film: one can. If you can get it. (8) Hot choc powder (10) Corned Beef. Creamed Cheese Spam
I'll number these in order of need. Fill any empty space with an A.A. paper. If a "Trade-A-Plane" comes to the house send it.

88 agn

1943 JAN 3




Letter No 7 Jan 7, '43

(Can) R145388
LAC Young WE
Attached RAF
Royal Canadian Air Force

Dear Mother "<" Dad,

I sure haven't been writing very often. I've written Katy more letters than I have you. Working on a seven day week we sort of loose track of time. I got a parcel from Ann Scheidewind today. A money belt. I was very glad to get it. - surprised, too.

So far I've gotten every letter up to No 14 with the exception of No 12. I got No 13 today "<" No 14 a week "<" a half ago. I haven't gotten the watch yet. I hope it has a illuminous dial. tt's most important what with the blackout, etc. The only parcels I've gotten are: the one you posted in the Soo, one from Eva, one from Ann "<" a card from Agatha "<" Wen abt the R. Digest. [Dad's aunt and uncle got him a subscription to Reader's Digest].

I gather from letter No 13 tt Katy is OK. #14 didn't say "<" the one before was written when she was in the H.S.

We had our first show near the end of Dec. It only stayed a few days.

I got your Xmas Card OK. It looked good. I would have sent you one of mine but I only had six "<" I wanted to send Billy one. The next time you send a parcel send my big EverReady Flashlight - the one Joyce gave me for Xmas. "<" send one or two sets of batteries in each parcel after that. I can get bulbs but the battries over here are very poor.

Over Xmas "<" up to now we haven't been doing much "<" I've smoked nearly all that can of Briggs! In my last letter - I think - I listed several things that you might send. Another thing is powdered soup. I think tt you can get it in the Super A "<" P. It doesn't weigh much "<" is easy to pack. Also, bullion cubes - OXO or Bovil. Once in a while send a roll of 35 mm - Panotonic-X. I've only used abt 3/4 of a roll so far but the wx on my leave was stinky. I'm going on my next leave Jan 19 to 25. I'm going to meet Ken Latta in London (At the Beaver Club). Last time I ate most of my meals there. I'll have to see if I can get to this broadcast. I think they draw lots to see who talks.

It will be several days before I can get any stamps (I borrowed one) "<" with a bit of luck it will get there. This last 3 weeks I haven't done any studying. I was working Cal "<" E.M.

I wouldn't mind a tin of Chilli con Carne. I've been using a bike belonging to one of the fellows. It's swell! I rode 12 miles today (my day off). It was raining a bit, too. This fellow is away on a course for a week. I hope tt I get a good chance this summer to take a cycle tour in Scotland.

I'll be going on my next leave with about 4 or 5 quid (pounds). It doesn't go far. 15 shillings for bed "<" breakfast for a week. 5 bob a day for the rest of the meals thats LF 2-10 so far. I'd like to get you something silver. It will have to be small for two reasons. One I'll have to carry it with me "<" 2nd there is about a 66% tax (on what the retailer pays the wholesaler) so things are a bit high.

I seem to have run out of ideas. - I'm safer here than if I were at home (I hardly ever take a bath or shower so there is no danger of sliping on the soap)

All the best as 88

On to Part 5

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Last revised June 1st., 2006. Comments to: E. A. Young